Month: June 2019
Photo: pipevine swallowtail on mock orange, The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Photo: mock orange, The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Photo: monarch on deutzia, The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Photo: rose, The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Photo: tiger swallowtail on deutzia, The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Photo: farm equipment, The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Photo: barn at The Miller Farmstead, Roan Mountain State Park, TN
Tonight’s sunset is in the shape of a mushroom cloud
except pink
echoes of the blast reverberate
muffled, deafening
seconds later, radiation emanates above it
pink bleeding into the blue of the sky
Whose job was it and why
to stand by and capture the horrific moment
of the world’s largest atomic bomb
the beautiful swelling, curling edges
as it vaporized the lives around it
life almost stands still
like when the air feels still, but is still moving
Minutes later, that portion of the sky is slate blue
and rectangular- an actual slate, a chalkboard
wiped clean of mushroom clouds and destruction
you would never know it had been there