It’s almost February, which means…Valentine’s Day is coming! A lot of people seem to hate Valentine’s Day. I don’t have this issue. I like to buy those packs of cards made for kids to pass out to their classmates, only I give them to coworkers, friends, and family. It doesn’t matter what your relationship status is; love encompasses so much more than romance. Think about the bond between a parent and child, between siblings, between friends, between a mentor and student, and the respect a fan has for a great artist or genius. When I got lice in sixth grade, my mom nitpicked my scalp. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is. Valentine’s Day gives you a chance to acknowledge people for the love they have added to your life, even if your life doesn’t resemble a romance novel. The best part is, I’ve seen V-Day Haters convert to valentine givers after receiving one of these silly valentines. As Huey Lewis said, that’s the power of love.