The Guy Whose Wife Left Him for a 90-Year-Old

I was working in the Floral department of the local grocery store, rushing to keep pace with my to-do list, when an older customer with a worn face came up to the counter and requested one red rose.  

I directed him to the cooler and grabbed three roses for him choose from.  

“Which one’s the best?” he inquired.   

“Well, they all came from the same batch.” I quickly examined each bud. “This one is the biggest,” I said, gesturing to the rose on the left. “This one has the most closed bud, so it’ll probably last the longest,” I predicted of the one on the right. He chose the one in the middle that I hadn’t commented on.  

“Guess who this is for!”  

The man was a stranger to me. I didn’t know if he was married or what his relationship status was. “Girlfriend” didn’t seem like the appropriate term for someone his age.  

“Your…lady love?” was the term I finally generated.  

He looked at me pathetically, like he couldn’t believe how dense I was.  

It was Easter, so I guessed, “Jesus?” 

He gave me another look that said, Boy, are you an idiot. “It’s for my mother.”  

Well, how was I supposed to know that?  

“Guess how old she is!” I didn’t know where to begin, and in my stalling, he answered by saying, “I’m 75, and she’s 27 years older than me.”  

“Wow! Good for her!” 

“She’s dead.” 

First of all, if the person isn’t alive anymore, can you assign them an age? Secondly, did he really expect me to answer his question with “I think she’s dead”?  

“Her name was Rosetta- her first name was Rose; her middle name was Etta. Guess what my daughter’s name is!”


His daughter’s name is Ivy. Again, how in the world would I have guessed that?  

“I was one of ten children.” He pulled out his phone and brought up a black and white photo of a group of children in winter coats and mittens surrounding a snowman. “That’s me; I’m 14. And that’s Bobby; he’s 13. That’s Susan- she’s 10…” 

Oh, God. Normally, I might enjoy hearing a personal story, but not when I’m behind at work.

He continued through a synopsis of his life, including a dog-eared story about how, decades ago, his wife left him for a 90-year-old. Interestingly, at this job, I’ve encountered a few other men [curiously, all wearing pieces of clothing that proclaimed them to be Veterans] who had been left by their wives who shared the information as if they were bragging. You could tell by the way they had the story edited to a soundbite that they whipped it out of their pocket as easily and often as a credit card.  

“People ask me how I’m doing, and I say, ‘Not bad for an old man.'” He did a little hop-skip-jump in place on marionette-like legs, one knee popping up by his waist, then the other. It looked like a move that a leprechaun character might make during his opening number in a musical. ‘Didja see that?’ He demonstrated the move again. It came to mind that my own dad is also 75, and I couldn’t imagine a scenario that would prompt him to jump like a cartoon character during normal conversation, especially in front of a stranger in public. 

After lots of closing statements (“Have a good day!”, “It was nice talking with you!”, “Stay safe!”), he left, and I could get back to work. I checked on another customer in the department, then gathered supplies to arrange flowers in vases.  

“She died on Easter!” Suddenly he was in front of me again. I jumped, not having seen him approach.  

“You think history doesn’t repeat itself?!” he demanded. I hadn’t said anything on the topic.  

He plowed into the details of his parents’ lives: their “illegal” marriage, his father in his twenties, his mother only seventeen; the exact years his father was in the military; how old his father lived to be. His mother was 27 when he was born. “Guess how old I was when my daughter was born!”  

I wasn’t a big fan of his guessing games, so I didn’t even attempt to answer.  


Oh, sure- the one time I could have guessed the answer!  

The part of the conversation that stuck with me, besides a general surreal feeling and an observation that the coronavirus lockdown might be taking a toll on people’s sanity, was the description the customer had locked himself into. Why would you want every stranger you met to know you as The Guy Whose Wife Left Him for a 90-Year-Old? The Guy Who Had Something Bad Happen (or, Caused Something Bad to Happen) Decades Ago and Never Moved On. And, more importantly, why would you want to BE that guy?  

It was a good reminder not to get trapped by our own thinking. How many of us go around saying, “I’m terrible at math,” or “Patience is not my forte,” or “Trust me- you wouldn’t want to hear me sing!”? The good news is, we can step out of that box at any time. Let it rot in the rain.  

A Horse of Another Color

About 10 years ago, my mom moved to the Northwoods of Wisconsin. In one of my early visits, we tried some of the tourist activities in her area. One of them was horseback riding. Our trail guide wanted to match us up with appropriate horses, so she asked each of us in turn, “Have you ever ridden a horse before?” My mom had owned a few horses while she was growing up and was an adept rider. The guide presented her a docile-looking white mare. “This is Snowflake.” My mom mounted her horse, and then it was my turn. “Have you ever ridden a horse before?” “Yes, once, 20 years ago.” I didn’t mention the sobbing in terror part as my horse started descending a ravine. The guide led a young, alert horse toward me and introduced us. “This is Rebel.” Okay, wait a minute. You’re giving the completely inexperienced rider a horse with a behavior problem? That’s an interesting strategy.  

Rebel treated the ride as a lunch buffet. As she waded through the thicket at the edges of the forest, I spent the whole ride redirecting her toward the path, tugging on the reins as her head dropped toward the ferns as heavily as a bucket of water, urging her to move and follow the rest of the horse train. The method to counteract many of her behavioral issues seemed the same. “Kick her!” the guides yelled from the front of the line. “Harder!” I wanted to go horseback riding because I liked animals. I had no desire to kick a horse in the stomach. 

Over the years, I went on a couple other rides. I got used to the guides handing off a horse with a word of warning. “She’s slow,” they’d caution, or “She’s lazy.” Or it would be the opposite- a sprightly horse would get antsy being stuck behind an older, slower-paced model, and try to cut in line. As I struggled to get my horses under control, I’d jealously watch as other riders placidly gazed at the scenery and joked with the trail guides. 

On a later trail ride in Wisconsin, also with my mom, I was unexpectedly assigned a well-behaved horse. Finally! I would get to experience a trail ride how it was meant to be! I was ready for a fun and relaxing time. I wasn’t expecting… boredom. Sitting on a horse who plodded forward in a straight line struck me as dull and uninspired. I was so used to being busy the entire time, working to keep the horse in line, on the trail, in check. Here, nothing was happening. It was like being on a walk in the woods, except that I wasn’t even walking; I wasn’t doing anything. All those years, I thought I was getting the short end of the stick, when it turns out that I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.  

Imagine That!

I’ve gotten angry a couple times recently, either during conversation, or while reading messages other people wrote. Afterward, lines from the situation replayed in my head- lines that I don’t agree with or that I find rude and disrespectful. To try and calm down, I started performing tricks in my imagination.  

I imagine a close up of the person’s face as if they’re pictured on a TV screen, their words visible in the air, like how you can see your breath in freezing weather. They start to say the line that’s been repeating most in my head, the one that really gets on my nerves. Immediately when they start talking, the sound goes mute. Their mouth still moves, but it’s futile. From there, I picture any number of scenarios: 

-The person’s words and their face turn into dust that scatters in a gust of wind.  

-The person’s words and face turn into fast-growing flowers, like a time-lapse video of a Chia Pet or a meadow from spring to fall.  

-Colors spill from the sky, like cans of paint pouring down, covering the words, the person, until no discernable shapes can be perceived, just waterfalls of gorgeous, saturated color. 

-The person and their words turn into light that gets increasingly brighter, shooting out in sharp rays, practically blinding, until the whole screen blazes bright white, then serenely fizzles into nothing.  

The image could be covered by snowfall, turn to stone, or fade to invisible. It could morph into soap bubbles that drift on the wind.

I’ve found this to be a very peaceful way of dealing with unsavory words. It doesn’t stop them from coming into my head, but when I transform them into something innocuous or beautiful, I no longer feel anger in response.  

Up in the Air

On the last leg of my trip (right after New Year’s), since it was cold outside, I tried AirBnB instead of camping. My AirBnB stays ranged from “sort of okay” (a term my dad uses) to great. The hosts all seemed decent, nice, normal. I wasn’t involved in any creepy scenarios, shady interactions, or altercations. None of the other guests seemed freaky or dangerous. Everything worked out fine. 

In general, though, I felt like I was intruding, invading the host’s personal space, even when they were welcoming. I mean, you are a stranger in another family’s home, microwaving rice in their kitchen while they go about their normal lives, having conversations about people and events you’ve never heard of, their teenage kids inviting friends over and popping in a movie. Most of the time, I didn’t feel comfortable enough to lounge on their living room couches. I also had my own projects to work on, and didn’t necessarily want company during that time. I’d often end up staying in my bedroom, which felt claustrophobic and reclusive. Sometimes I hung out in the living room or at the kitchen table if I was the only one around.  

Offerings extended from sleeping on a couch to renting out an entire house. Actually, some listings were for land where you could set up a tent or park or an RV. Prices differed wildly among similar offerings. In some areas, hotel rooms with a microwave, fridge, and bathroom were available for the same price or less money than an AirBnB where all you’d have to yourself was a bedroom. Either the hosts were delusional, or guests are willing to pay for the experience of meeting new people. I was mostly looking for a place to sleep, so price usually determined where I stayed. Once, I rented a three-bedroom house because it was cheaper than a low-to mid-range hotel room.  

On the highly-rated end, some homes looked like highlights from interior decorating magazines, were spotlessly clean, and the hosts treated me like a guest. They chatted, asked if I needed help carrying bags inside, asked if I wanted my dirty towel added to their load of laundry, invited me to hang out with their family in the living room, and wished me safe travels on my last day. I came down with a cold during one stay, and the host asked if she could drive into town and get some medicine, asked how I was doing when she saw me in passing, and cooked soup for us from scratch.  

After I had decided what area of the country to move to, I stayed in a couple AirBnBs while I looked for an apartment. The hosts at one of those AirBnBs both happened to be real estate agents. They shared valuable information with me like where the good and bad parts of town were, and which rental companies had a good reputation, in addition to directing me to area attractions. (Thank you, Nate and Joe!)

On the “sort of okay” end, accommodations felt and looked thrown together last-minute. For example, one house was basically a pole barn with plywood walls creating separate rooms. My room had what looked like a 40 watt incandescent lightbulb on the ceiling, so dim I had trouble seeing what I was doing. The building was heated by what looked like a large, industrial space heater near the front door, but heat was not dispensed into each bedroom via a central heating system, and I was freezing. A different place I rented was situated immediately off of a freeway exit, and I ended up leaving early because the sound of traffic was so distracting I couldn’t concentrate.  

One AirBnB bedroom was a garden shed, the pre-made kind you can buy at big box hardware stores. It may have been insulated, but it sure didn’t feel like it. The only heat source was a small space heater. You had to go outside to another shed to use the bathroom. I wouldn’t mind either of these things in pleasant weather, but it was below freezing. During the night, I went out to my car and got my sleeping bag and blankets and used them in addition to the bedding provided by the hosts. When I woke up in the morning, the bottoms of my feet were partially white. (To be fair, my feet start to turn white pretty easily. But it usually happens when I’m walking outside in the cold, not when I’m bundled up in bed.) The “kitchen” was basically another shed with a refrigerator, a microwave, and a Keurig. No sink, though, and no counter. You had to get water from the bathroom shed (if it was open) and clean your dishes there, too. It was doable, but not ideal. Cleanliness did not seem to be a priority at this location, either. My garden shed door didn’t have a lock on it, which felt somewhat dangerous. (I later found a padlock inside one of the dresser drawers, but by then, it seemed pointless.) The saving grace for this rental was that I stayed there on the night of the super blood wolf moon (eclipse), and I had a good view of the moon and got some good pictures.

My time camping had numbed me toward disgusting living quarters, so “sort of okay” was probably a generous rating for a couple of the places I stayed. Some of the issues I mentioned you can see right in the pictures accompanying the AirBnB listings. In my experience, if a place looks shabby in the picture, it probably won’t surprise you much in real life.  

It was hard to give bad reviews to hosts I had met and talked with, and who seemed like decent people. In those cases, instead of writing a public review, I would usually ignore AirBnB’s emails asking me to review the host until I got an email saying, basically, “Your host won’t see this; just let us know how your stay went,” and then you rate them on a scale of 1 to 5. When it gets to that point, there is no area to elaborate. Not that I’m in favor of people trashing each other, but I would keep this in mind when reading reviews; the ratings may tend to skew in favor of being nice toward the hosts so as not to hurt their feelings.  

Some hosts kept to themselves, and others were friendlier. I mentioned that some hosts made a point of saying goodbye on the last morning of my stay. Well, others left the house without a word, even though I was right there, eating breakfast in the kitchen. Then again, it’s possible to be too friendly. One host talked incessantly from the moment I entered the house straight through the next three hours. I’ll admit that the conversation was interesting. But I didn’t even get to put my bags in my room until the other guest who was staying there came back from his foray downtown and the host wanted to hear all about his experience. I took the chance to escape and locked myself in my bedroom for the rest of the night, which isn’t exactly ideal, either.  

When I first started using AirBnB, I was more guarded about my travel situation, for protection. Making small talk, hosts would ask where I worked. I hadn’t thought up an alternate lie, so I named the last job I held: working in the recruiting office of a community college. I acted as if I were on vacation. My first host also happened to work in the Student Services department of a community college. “When does your semester start?” she asked. “January 16th,” I threw out, having no idea what day of the week it was. Turned out it was a Wednesday. To my relief, she didn’t seem to doubt my answer, and didn’t ask how I was able to get a vacation during one of the busiest times of the year.  

Each AirBnB has its own check in and check out times, and its own rules. At some places, you can use their washer and dryer, their kitchen, their shower, their WiFi. Other hosts don’t want you using any of these. Some hosts ask you to strip the bed sheets before you leave, or take out the trash. Others don’t require anything of you. Some hosts will cook breakfast for you in the morning (if they do, it will probably be advertised in their listing).  

Whenever I had a kitchen to myself, I went a little overboard, excited to eat Real Food again (instead of On The Road food). Some AirBnBs were mother-in-law suites and didn’t have traditional stovetops and ovens, but were equipped with countertop appliances, such as a rice cooker, an electric skillet, a microwave, a George Foreman grill, a toaster oven, a slow cooker, and a hot plate. I experimented with some new gadgets and later bought a couple of them myself.  

One benefit of staying in other people’s houses is just that: you find out what it’s like to live in another house. You can try out their kitchen appliances, test out their mattresses, their fancy showerheads, their shampoo, see what kind of decorating other people are doing, see what you like in a house, what you don’t like, what you use daily, and what you never use. If you’re thinking of moving, having a house built, renovating, or redecorating, it might be time and money well spent to stay in a few AirBnBs to get a flavor for whether or not you would actually like some of the features you’re considering installing but have never actually tried (for example, a wood stove, a tile floor in a bedroom, or an outrageous wall color). I stayed in a tiny house for a night, to see what it was like and if I could live like that. (I could, although I’d prefer a different layout from the one I stayed in.)  

Just like staying in hotels or campgrounds, your satisfaction with AirBnB will probably depend a lot on the specific space you rent. And your attitude.  

A Game Changer

While visiting a friend in North Carolina, three of us went to the American Legion one night to play BINGO. I had never played an official game of BINGO (i.e., in public, with cash prizes), and was only familiar with the stereotype that playing BINGO is for old people. I thought of it as an activity that victims, often in wheelchairs, are coerced into only after their brains have turned to jello. I’m sure the level of the game depends on the venue and the specific caller, but there was a lot more mental work involved than I had anticipated.  

In most games, each person was given eighteen BINGO cards to mark. The calling was fast-paced. In some games, the corner squares were designated as free spaces, and thankfully, more experienced players sitting near us told us that in advance so we could try and mark the corners before the game started. In some games, the caller would announce that certain numbers were “free.” (The free number might be “two, and any number that ends in two.”) After a period of time that was not nearly long enough, she’d ask if everyone was done marking the free spaces. I’m not sure why she bothered to ask- even when loud protests came from the audience, she barreled ahead. For each game, the winning numbers had to make a different and specific configuration of dots, so you not only had to keep up with marking your cards, but remember to periodically check the current winning configuration and see if that design materialized on your cards.  

The most confusing part was that a ping pong ball with a number-letter combination would appear on TV monitors in the corners of the room, and the caller would call that number out loud only after she took the ball away and placed the next ball in front of the camera. So, she might call out “O-sixty-three!” and I’d instinctively look up at the monitor, only to see a ball with “I-24” written on it. So, if you wanted the number on the screen to match the number you were searching for, you had to work ahead of the caller, but you were already behind from trying to mark the free spaces.  

During the game Speed BINGO, the caller said she wasn’t going to read letters- just numbers. She didn’t repeat any of them, and it was at a faster pace than normal. We each had two cards that we were in charge of marking, and I think even one would have been a challenge. During a normal game, she might call, “N-37, three seven, thirty-seven.” Then there would be a short wait, and then the next number would be called. During the speed game, it went more like this: “thirty-seven five fifty-eight eleven twenty-six nine forty-one seventy twenty-two sixteen.”  

The most refreshing part of the experience was seeing tables with generations of families together: teenagers, moms, grandmothers. Yes, why not choose an activity that everyone involved is able to comfortably participate in? Why not spend one evening a week in the company of your extended family?

As far as the game itself, I think of those posters with photos of senior citizen athletes and the caption, “Growing old ain’t for sissies.” Beware, BINGO is not for the feeble-minded or faint of heart! BINGO is no joke!  

Writing Exercise: Let Them Go Their Separate Ways

I’ve got boxes, files, and notebooks filled with writing scraps. Some of these scraps consist of a couple lines that I liked the sound of together, only I couldn’t make them work in a larger piece. I’ve heard these gems referred to as ‘little darlings.’ You have a fondness for them and don’t have the heart to chuck them, but at some point, you acknowledge that their presence is ruining the rest of the piece, and, like a crying baby in a movie theatre, must be removed for the good of the whole.  

What I’ve been doing lately with my little darlings in couplet form is separating the lines, and then incorporating each line into its own piece. It feels awkward at first, probably like twins going off to separate colleges. The new poems don’t seem to have the same charm of the original darling, but at least this way, the lines can live in the world, feel sunshine on their skin, hold the door open for strangers, hear the trill of the red-winged blackbird. Otherwise, they’d be banished to a cardboard box or file folder forever.  

Hunting through some of my old poems to find an example to illustrate this exercise, I picked out a couple halves, but didn’t notice either of their twins. So, either I haven’t used their other halves yet, or the other halves were so integrated into their new lives that I didn’t recognize them anymore. That’s a good sign. The original lines don’t need to be attached in order to have purpose.  

If you have unfinished chunks of writing, or old work that you’d never want people to see, try breaking it apart and using the shards separately. It feels good to set them free. Might as well let all of your work sashay through the world in some form or another.  

Take Your Pick

In college, one of the subjects I studied was writing song lyrics. During that unit, I wrote one song a week. Near the beginning of the term, I made the same mistake more than once. I’d come up with a handful of crude outlines for potential songs, then choose one to flesh out. Pretend that, for the topic I chose, the verses were coming along just fine, but then I got stuck on the chorus. I could not make it work. In my desperation, I’d look back at the list of potential songs, and I’d write a chorus for a different song topic. At that point, I’d switch my goal to finishing the new song. Well, the chorus may have come easily, but then I’d have trouble with some other part of it- the verses, the bridge, the rhythm, the rhymes.  

So there I was, halfway into the week, with a song due in a day or two, and I just wasted a day. I always ended up going back to the first song and figuring out how to finish it. I learned pretty quickly that I would have been better off staying with the original topic and working through the challenges. I think of this example often since the consequence was clear and immediate. All the options have their issues. I didn’t pick the wrong topic; I just dealt with it wrongly. I can think of a lot of life situations where it seems that the most growth occurs when you Pick It and Stick With It.  

Trace Elements

Four-hundred forty-four miles long, the Natchez Trace extends from southern Mississippi across the corner of Alabama, into the middle of Tennessee. The Trace was originally a footpath traveled by Native Americans, European explorers, and early settlers hundreds and thousands of years ago. The National Park System wanted to preserve the history of the path, and did so by building a road that roughly follows the trail.  

The Trace was designed to be a scenic byway. Two lanes wind and curve, buffered by stunning scenery on each side, mostly forests or farm fields scattered with hay bales. I drove on pieces of it in January and February- probably the bleakest time of the year- and it was gorgeous. I would love to go back in other seasons to hike, take pictures, and just experience another layer of the area’s character. 

Waysides are built all along the route. Drive or bike the Trace at your own pace, stopping at whatever place names and interpretive signs interest you. (My favorite name for a stop was ‘Dogwood Mudhole.’ The stop itself was nothing special in February. I’m not sure if dogwoods actually bloom there in spring, or if the name is only a relic of a former landscape.) Some points of interest include: Native American Indian mounds, a museum in the Visitor’s Center, waterfalls, a Craft Center, military sites, overlooks, intersections with the Trail of Tears, interpretive trails, old cemeteries, former guesthouses, a cypress swamp, ruins of buildings, state parks, and sections of the old trace itself, where you can walk on the same path as the Native Americans and early settlers. Access points to the Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail, with over 60 miles of hiking trails (over 50 of them open to horseback riding), are available from the Trace.  

Driving the Trace reminded me of my trip across South Dakota to the Badlands [which you can read about here], and of the legacy of Route 66. It’s the whole idea of driving on one road and stopping at a bucketload of attractions along the way, so the point of the trip is the journey, not the destination.  

Adding to the beauty of the Trace, no businesses are situated along the road. If you want to get gas or buy something to eat or stop for the night, you need to get off the Trace and stop in a nearby town. (Guides detailing restaurants, attractions, shopping, recreation, and more in nearby towns are available online and in print. Many of these towns are tiny, and you will be supporting small, independent businesses.) No commercial vehicles are allowed on the road, either. The Trace has a speed limit of 50 mph (or less, in some areas) to allow you to soak in the views.  

I don’t think I had even heard of the Natchez Trace before my big road trip. What’s more surprising is discovering that there are Tennessee residents who have never heard of it! While it’s easier to enjoy a park when it has few visitors, I have to say that the Natchez Trace is severely underrated and deserves more attention. Granted, I was not there during peak season, but I was still surprised at how little traffic was on it. At times, it felt like they had constructed the elaborate highway just for me.  

I drove on my first portion of the Trace during the government shutdown. This meant that none of the buildings were open- no restrooms, no water fountains, no visitor’s centers. I guess I should be glad the place was open at all. But every time I wanted to go to the bathroom, I had to get off the Trace and search for one. Luckily, when I went back on it later, the government was up and running.  

I would recommend the Natchez Trace to history buffs, nature lovers, photographers, hikers, bikers, and anyone who loves a road trip. It was one of my favorite parts of my year-long trip around the United States.  

Writing Exercise: National Enquirer Headlines

Then there are the unbelievable, over-the-top headlines of The National Enquirer. Try your hand at writing some scandalous, dramatic, shocking news topics. I also did this exercise years ago. Here are some I came up with:  

Child Stung by Man-of-War Attacks Classmates  

Man Discovers Egyptian Sarcophagus While Harvesting Radishes  

Painting Elephant Wins Nobel Peace Prize 

Man Struck by Lightning Grows Third Arm  

Winning Lottery Numbers Found on 18th Century Tombstone  

Flea Circus to Compete in 2020 Olympic Games 

Santa to Sell Reindeer, Buy Prius to Save the Environment  

Belching Goat Nominated for Grammy 

Hippopotamus Goes on Rampage, Destroys Renovated Movie Theatre 

Abominable Snowman Offended by the Term ‘Abominable’ 

Los Angeles Melts into a Giant, Quivering Mass 

Santa Claus Proclaimed International Spy 

Barracuda Injected with Zebra Saliva Grows Feathers 

Hardened Criminals to Hold Bake Sale 

Scientists Teach Whales to Use Twitter at Whale Summer Camp 

Sasquatch Meets Extra-Terrestrials at Starbucks for a Round of Mocha Lattes 

Writing Exercise: The Onion Headlines

Are you familiar with the newspaper The Onion? It’s basically the opposite of the National Inquirer. Instead of sensational headlines, the topics are mundane. Then a whole article is written about the subject or incident in the style of newspaper journalism. 

As a writing exercise, try writing headlines in the style of The Onion. I did this exercise several years ago. Here were some that I came up with:  

Giant Mastiff Slobbers Its Way into Owners’ Hearts 

Birthday Clown Wolfs Down 3 Slices of Ice Cream Cake at Party 

Woman Looks Horrible in Men’s XL Sports Jersey 

Wax Museum Has Been Freaking Out Visitors for Over 25 Years 

Lady With 19 Cats Grosses Out Neighbors 

File Clerk’s Boss ‘The Biggest Jerk Ever’ 

Eco-Conscious Burlap Wedding Gown a Flop 

Total Poseur Lands Mediocre Skateboarding Trick 

Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patient Can’t Take a Joke 

Birdcall Enthusiast Nerds Out in Chattahoochee National Forest 

Man’s Self-Given Nickname Rejected by Friends and Coworkers 

Manager’s Power Point Presentation a Snore 

Woman Swears Voodoo Doll Not Representation of Mother-in-Law, Despite Distinct Identifying Characteristics 

Hiker Disappointed He Didn’t Encounter Ghost in Haunted Forest

Best Friend Blabs Guarded Secrets to Mutual Acquaintances  

Tourist Can’t Figure Out Why Tarot Card Reader Was Laughing So Hard 

Non-Drinker Slams 2 Coke Zeroes After Mowing Lawn 

Woman with Embarrassing Ringtone Heckled on City Bus

Prim Grandmother Drops the F-Bomb During Family Barbecue 

Gator-on–a-Stick Tastes Like Chicken 

Man in Bar Tries to Be Extra Funny to Distract from Bad Haircut 

Restaurant Sued Over Insulting Fortune Cookie 

8-Year-Old Tricks Younger Brother into Trading His Crummy Old Dime for a Shiny New Nickel 

Coupon Clipper Can Fit 4 Weber Grills in the Back of Her Ford Explorer  

Overworked Cashier Too Lazy to Change TV Channel on Day Off 

Wet Blanket Peer Pressured into Toilet Papering Science Teacher’s Front Yard 

Man Renting DVD from Redbox Looks Just Like Einstein

Admission of Imaginary Friend Causes Awkward Silence in Break Room 

Mom Guilt Trips Teenage Son into Mopping Kitchen Floor on Saturday Afternoon

Bitter Neighbors Grudgingly Exchange Pleasantries While Getting the Mail 

Office Worker Tortures Coworkers with Photos of Granddogs